The aim of this garden was to show what was possible in a small urban space that was great for wildlife as well as functional for the client. By steering clear of more traditional approaches to 'wildlife gardening' we've been able to create a unique palette of materials which celebrates the ideas of 'Wild Porosity' providing the spaces for nature to find it's own balance but that is also functional for the clients to escape into.

From the outset our intention was to utilise waste material from demolition of concrete and old brick in the hard landscaping but as the project progressed we became more aware of how we could make use of this in the planting areas. Taking inspiration from wild urban spaces such as brownfield sites and motorway verges we decided to emulate this as much as possible. It's in these spaces we often see the most beautiful and dynamic planting displays but usually have very little to no human interference. What if we could take the same approach to our gardens and designed urban spaces? Creating low maintenance, sustainable, beautiful places
We utilised a variety of reuse techniques from gabion features, log piles and brown roofs. We even crushed onsite materials to create different planting mediums for more diverse planting areas, including an edible meadow!